Wednesday, September 3, 2014

If you think the party's over at midlife, you need to take another look.

A new blog! I love them. I have about a million of them and I now regret my early exuberance.

But I do want you to know about some very important things, and somehow I never put up a blog for this super crucial subject, so let me post this in case you didn't see it.

If you still think things get dreary after 40, 50, 60, or 70 (I haven't hit 80 yet so I can't report authoritatively after that) you might want to know about my brand new workshop in Frankfurt.

(I didn't schedule many weekend workshops this or next year because I'm writing a new book, so if you want to work with me in person, and you live somewhere in Europe, or don't mind hopping a plane across an ocean, you should come on over.)

Here you go:

Coming Up Very Soon - How to create your second life after 40!

Set aside the weekend of September 12, 13 and 14 for a wonderful workshop I'll be running in Frankfurt, Germany, to celebrate the brand new German edition of my book It's Only Too Late If You Don't Start Now: How to Create Your Second Life at Any Age. In Germany the title is:
Für Deine Träume ist es nie zu spät

You can get your copy here:

(I think you'll like this very short trailer of an upcoming movie about me - relevant because I mention the book, but I also reveal how I make my morning coffee and how straight my hair was in junior high school - important things like that):

Click here:

If you think things slow down and the party's over at around 40, listen up:Your first life belongs to nature. Your second life belongs to you.

You can finally become who you are, not who everyone thinks you're supposed to be. You know that kid who disappeared when puberty hit, when you had to join the race to see who was the winner, the best-looking, the most successful? The time has come to step out of that race, forget the popularity contest and discover the unique and talented human being you really are.

This isn't your mother's menopause workshop, or your dad's retirement plans. Get ready to hear some things no one else ever says—but that we know are true now that we're not kids anymore: you've just made a change as big as the one from your first years in school to college. This is a new world. You can now quit looking backwards and look ahead to the best years of your life.

Come prepared to have your mind changed about everything you thought you knew about midlife.

In English with a German interpreter:

English Info
Friday 12.09.2014 Lecture: It's only too late if you don't start now
Saturday/Sunday 13./14.09.2014 Workshop: How to create your second life after 40

Info auf Deutsch
Friday 12.09.2014 Lecture: Für deine Träume ist es nie zu spät
Saturday/Sunday 13./14.09.2014 Workshop: Durchstarten statt Midlife-Crisis

Please join me in Frankfurt or join your fellow Scanners in the Book Club. Better yet, do both!